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How to Uninstall 64-Bit Office/Reinstall 32-Bit Office on Windows 10 (Acro/Hyland Mail/MAPI issue)

We have recently solved the issue of MAPI errors coming up for Acro Docs/WM users when attempting to send a file via email from within Acrosoft products. After much troubleshooting, the problem seems to come from 64-bit Office installations conflicting with Acrosoft's 32-Bit MAPI interface. Hyland will also utilize 32-Bit Office protocols as well, so this fix will be pervasive over the upcoming migration from Acro to Hyland.

MS Office is now a package install, where it used to have multiple installs for Outlook, Excel, Etc; the entire MS Office package must be completely uninstalled to replace it, which requires a proprietary Microsoft Application called Microsoft Support And Recovery Assistant, commonly referred to as SARA.

This process requires Admin-level credentials, and should be attempted only when the end-user is physically in the office, as it's a 2-step process (Uninstall, and then a restart before reinstallation), and if SCCM connection is lost before the 32-bit install is complete, the end user will be without any Office products, which will end their business productivity until the application is reinstalled. We have had success with the Admin user being remote and connecting to the EU Computer inside the office, as SCCM seems to be more stable this way, but when both users are at home, SCCM connection can be inconsistent after a restart. The safe step of having the EU at the office for either a Helpdesk employee to physically install on the laptop, or to deploy remotely on their end after a test connection to SCCM first ensures no downtime outside the standard installation process, which is around 20 minutes.

Here's how to perform this operation:

1. Establish an SCCM connection to the EU's computer with Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager.

The easiest way to do this is to open MECM with your Admin creds, then select 'Devices' and then search for either the computer name, or the EU's name under "Currently Logged On User" field. Right click and select 'Start', then select 'Remote Control.'

This will open the Remote Control Window, which goes through several steps, and requires the EU to accept your connection. If they don't accept the connection, it will 'fail out'. 


This should not be performed via a Teams screenshare; Office will be completely uninstalled after the SARA tool has run. You will not be able to see anything or provide Admin creds once Office is uninstalled. Proceed ONLY if SCCM connection is successful and stable.

2. Copy the necessary files to EU's desktop.

This tool and all tools for this operation are located on FS1 in a single folder.

The path for this folder is \\fs1\copystuff\ChrisH\OFFICE 32BIT FIX.

Copy/Paste all the links in this folder to the end user's Desktop.

3. Close ALL open applications, and notify EU to save any progress before running the SARA tool.

After running the SARA tool, the computer will restart, so remind the EU to save progress before proceding.

4. Deploy/Use SARA to uninstall MS Office completely.

Run the SARA application (named SetupProd_OffScrub).

This tool is automated, and install using this dialog:

once this tool runs its installer and base scan, you will see this:

Select the 'Microsoft 365 Apps For Enterprise' option, then hit 'Next'.

The next screen you should see is this:

You'll want to select the 'Office - Install, Activate, or Remove Office' option here. Once you do this, it will run the full uninstall tool (approx 10 min), then the Application will inform you the process was successful, and then you'll have to Restart the computer (it will remind you of this).

Restart the computer.

5. Install 32-bit Office.

Ensure all the office products are uninstalled (if they had icons on the taskbar, they should now appear as white blank icons), remove those icon shortcuts, then run the "OfficeSetup (32-bit)" application, which you copied to the EU's desktop. This is a fully automated install and should only take 3-5 min.


Author has had several different experiences on several different Windows 10 computers (and believe this may just be a Win10 Version Variation), so this warrants a YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary) note here; Sometimes SARA uninstalls teams, sometimes it does not, so make sure MS Teams is either present or not before ending this operation. If it has not been removed by SARA, no worries, Teams does not have to be installed as 32-bit to function. If it is not present, you may run the Teams installer after installing the 32-bit automated install of office.

After the Office installer is finished, Open Outlook, have EU sign in if necessary, then make sure their inbox shows up, and then use the MS search bar at the bottom left of the screen to type in 'Default Apps' which should show you the Default Apps Dialog:

Go there, then ensure 'Outlook' is the default Mail App:

Once you've done this, Replace all the shortcuts to the EU's taskbar that they previously had (usually Office/Word/Teams etc.

6. Check To Ensure 32-bit Installation Successful.

Open Outlook, then go to 'File' then to "Office Account', the click on the 'About Outlook' button:

You should see this:

7. Testing Acrosoft's Send To Email Functionality.

Once you've ensure the proper installation was successful, have the EU open their Acrosoft Documents, and instruct them to send a file from any policy to their email. They can choose any option they'd like, but most use the 'Send as PDF' option; If you do not see a MAPI Error, and the Outlook 'New Email' window pops up, you've been successful in this operation. Great job!

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  • 17-Feb-2021